Dyslexia is a common learning disorder characterized by difficulty in reading and learning. The causes of Dyslexia have been linked to certain genes affecting reading & language processes of the brain, premature birth as well as lifestyle & health of the mother during pregnancy. However, timely assessment and intervention can help in managing the symptoms effectively.


Even though the first symptoms of Dyslexia can be spotted before a child goes to school, the most prominent ones become apparent when a child begins to read. Following are some signs of Dyslexia based on different stages of a child’s life:

  1. Before Joining School: Knowledge about the first signs of Dyslexia or a risk for the same can make it easier to spot the disorder even before a child joins school. Common symptoms at this stage include:
  • Late speech
  • Slow learning of new words
  • Incorrect word formation i.e. reversing the sounds of words and confusing words with a similar sound
  • Difficulty in remembering letters, colors and numbers
  • Considerably slow at learning easy nursery rhymes
  • Difficulty in playing rhyming games
  1. After Joining School: Dyslexia symptoms become more noticeable once a child joins school. Your child’s teacher will probably be the first one to notice them. Symptoms that can be spotted at this stage are:
  • Considerably low level of reading as per a child’s age
  • Difficulty in processing and understanding what a child hears in class
  • Low confidence and behavioral problems
  • Inability to find the right word or answer to questions asked in the class
  • Difficulty in comprehending the difference and similarity in sounds & letters
  • Problem in following sequenced instructions
  • Taking more than usual time for reading and writing tasks
  • Difficulty in spelling & pronouncing words
  • Shying away from reading activities
  1. Teenage And Adult Signs: The signs of Dyslexia in teens and adults are almost similar to those of children. Common symptoms include:
  • Slow and labor-intensive reading
  • Lots of spelling problems
  • Avoidance of reading activities
  • Trouble with memorizing information
  • Difficulty in pronouncing names and words
  • Struggle in learning new language
  • Problems in retrieving words learnt
  • Taking longer time than required to complete reading and writing tasks
  • Trouble in solving mathematical problems
  • Finding it challenging to summarize a story
  • Difficulty in understanding basic jokes and expressions

If you suspect that your child exhibits some of the symptoms mentioned above, discuss the issue with your child’s doctor. This will ensure that Dyslexia is diagnosed at an early stage and can be prevented from progressing into adulthood. If left untreated, Dyslexia may cause long term educational, health, economic and social complications in your child’s life.

We, at See-N-Read Reading Tools offer a variety of reading & learning tools. For more information, call at (630) 236 – 5592.