Visual processing involves how the brain interprets visual information, which is crucial for comprehending the world through our eyes. Even with 20/20 vision, a child might struggle to grasp or recall pictures, distances, or symbols. Visual processing deficits can impact a child’s capacity to learn effectively in the classroom, participate in sports, and engage socially with peers.

Here are several strategies to assist your child in enhancing their visual processing skills:

Engage in Visual Activities

Encourage your child to participate in activities that stimulate visual thinking. Puzzles, for example, engage their problem-solving skills and spatial awareness, fostering the development of visual processing abilities. Similarly, drawing and coloring activities not only provide creative outlets but also help improve focus and attention to visual details.

Diverse Visual Stimuli

Expose children to a rich array of visual experiences. Nature walks allow them to observe and appreciate the diversity of the natural world, enhancing visual perception. Engaging in artistic endeavors, such as painting or crafting, further broadens their visual exposure.

Hand-Eye Coordination Exercises

Activities that require hand-eye coordination, like building with blocks or playing sports, play a crucial role in refining visual-motor skills. These exercises enhance the connection between what the eyes perceive and how the hands respond, contributing to improved overall visual processing.

Use Reading Tools

Implementing specialized reading tools like See-N-Read reading strips, MemoryMark, eSee-N-Read, See-N-Spell, and ColorTAG can be instrumental in supporting visual processing during literacy-related activities. These tools offer targeted support to enhance reading comprehension, fluency, and spelling through visual aids and cues.

Create a Stimulating Environment

Cultivate an environment that sparks curiosity and exploration. Ensure the surroundings are visually rich with age-appropriate stimuli, such as educational posters, books, and interactive learning materials. A stimulating environment encourages children to actively observe, analyze, and process visual information.

Visual Memory Enhancement

Implement exercises that challenge and improve visual memory. Memory games, where children need to recall specific details or sequences, are effective in honing this skill. Engaging in activities that involve remembering and reproducing visual patterns contributes to the enhancement of their visual memory capabilities.

Consistent Practice

Foster a routine of consistent practice in visual tasks. Regular engagement in various visual activities ensures the ongoing development of visual processing skills. By incorporating these activities into daily life, you provide continuous opportunities for improvement, reinforcing the foundation for effective visual processing over time.

See-N-Read tools aid in improving visual processing in children by providing targeted visual cues and support during reading activities, enhancing comprehension and fluency. The tools, including reading strips and memory aids, help children focus on and process textual information more effectively, contributing to overall cognitive development.

To know more about reading tools by See-N-Read, you can visit 2533 Sutton Lane, Aurora, IL 60502-9461, or call 1-630-236-5592. You can also browse the reading tools at or connect on Facebook, and Twitter.