Reading fluency is an essential skill which can be inculcated by using various techniques. It can not only help you comprehend information, but also manage time in a better way. Whether you are a student or professional, having good reading skills can be beneficial for you in the long run.  

Here are a few techniques which can improve reading speed and comprehension:

  • Skim material for main ideas: You should scan the outline of the content to get an idea about the information. This will give you a clear picture about the topics that you can skip and those that require more concentration. Understanding the structure of the content can help to improve reading speed.
  • Prioritize your reading: It is essential to categorize the reading material in order of its significance. This can make you aware about the most important aspects and read accordingly.
  • Choose a suitable environment: Reading in a peaceful place without any distractions improves concentration. It is important to set an angle while reading to avoid eye strain and ensure a comfortable reading experience.
  • Improve vocabulary: Improving vocabulary can reduce the time taken to understand a topic. You can maintain a notebook to jot down unfamiliar words as it can help you read faster.
     Reading with a fresh mind:  It is essential to stay focused while reading. You can read preferably in the morning or late at night as the mind is free from distractions at that time.
  • Form questions: You can create questions from the headings given in the reading material. This can help in analyzing the information in a better way. Thus, you will be to read efficiently in a lesser time.
  • Practice: Regular practice can help you comprehend and read faster. Initially you can start with the reading material that you find interesting. This will help in creating a good reading habit.    
  • Eliminate sub vocalization: The habit of sub vocalization (uttering words while reading) can have a great impact on your reading. It can lower down your reading speed and fluency. Thus, sub vocalization should be avoided for better results.
  • Keep a track on your progress: It is a good idea to take a self-test at frequent intervals to keep a check on your reading speed. This can keep you on the right track and provide motivation for further improvement.

See-N-Read Reading Tools aim at improving reading speed and comprehension. The research based tools have been designed to help people of all ages read faster while reducing distractions on the page. For more information, you can call at (630) 236 – 5592.