Reading involves more than just identifying and decoding words. It is important that students develop fluency in order to be a successful reader. It helps them read accurately at a definite pace along with the proper expression of words. A fluent reader will also be able to comprehend and memorize any text better. Here are some effective reading fluency intervention tips for students:

  • Model Fluent Reading: In order to be a fluent reader, students must be aware of the essential components of fluency. When they know how fluent reading sounds like, they will be better able to incorporate the style into their own reading. Hence, you should expose your children to various reading materials and the correct way to narrate them. Read aloud various poems, stories, speeches of their interest and let the students pinpoint elements that made you read fluently.
  • Guided Practice: You can also make your child learn simultaneously as you read. Pick out a paragraph or excerpt from a text and let your child repeat every sentence after you. Focus on the child’s expression of words and accuracy in pronunciation. Repeat the same process several times and praise the child for every improvement he makes.
  • Repeated Readings: Choose a book or a piece of text appropriate for the student’s academic level and let him read it aloud. When the child is unable to read a word correctly or takes a pause for a few second, tell him the correct pronunciation and make him repeat after you. Encourage him to repeatedly read the entire text until he is able to achieve the desired fluency.
  • Use Chunking And Paraphrasing: Students must be taught to use chunking technique to comprehend the meaning of the text. Segregating the information into small meaningful phrases will help them to differentiate between individual words and their usage in the context. They must also be made to understand the importance of using punctuation marks at proper places.
  • Offer Practice Opportunities: While the child is reading, get a copy of the text and count the number of words he pronounced correctly in one minute. Subsequently, let him read the same text twice or thrice and note the improvement from previous results. The student will gradually show a substantial improvement in his reading fluency.

If your child is facing problems in reading fluently, consider using See-N-Read Reading Tools. The research based fluency intervention tools have been designed to help students read accurately and improve comprehension. For more information, you can call at (630) 236 – 5592.