Eye Tracking And Reading Comprehension

Posted on August 21, 2017

Eye tracking problems in children can be detected at an early stage if parents and teachers monitor their reading skills. If your child is not able to read the words in the correct order, omits or adds his own words and reads very slowly, he is most likely suffering from eye tracking issue. Poor visual skills can eventually hamper reading comprehension as the child is unable to understand the meaning of sentences while reading on his own. Steps that can…

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Dyslexia And Reading Problems

Posted on July 18, 2017

Kids with dyslexia face problems in reading correctly and effortlessly. They also find difficult to spell, write and comprehend words. However, patience and perseverance on the part of parents as well as teachers is the key to helping a child overcome and manage this disability. Listed below are some more signs associated with dyslexia. Difficulty in understanding word problems in Math Trouble in recognizing common sight words Inability to identify letters and matching them with sounds Frequently re-reading words and…

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A careful evaluation of your child’s reading skills is essential to know if he is facing any problems in this aspect. If you notice that he skips words or lines while reading, it may be more than just carelessness or disinterest. The actual reason behind this issue could be a visual processing problem such as poor eye tracking skills, Auditory processing disorder (APD), Dyslexia or even Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These reading issues are explained below:Visual Processing Issues: Kids have…

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Reading aloud can provide children with an opportunity to learn phrasing of sentences and develop fluency in English. It also helps to increase a child’s interest in reading and nurture his creativity. When a child reads aloud, his comprehension skills automatically improve as he gains knowledge about phonics and word building. However, the process should only be carried under supervision to ensure that the child gains the maximum benefit out of it.A student with good comprehension skills will be able…

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The students you care for have various challenges and the budget to address those challenges is hardly unlimited. You need the most effective tools for your money to ensure the integrity of your educational program.See-N-Read® Reading Tools are your patented (U.S. Patent 7,954,444) solution to assist children with reading challenges. Through years of research and careful testing, our dedicated learning specialists have created tools that are proven to help children with difficult reading Fluency and comprehension issues.See-N-Read®  Learning Tools’ team…

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Homeschoolers are often proficient readers, simply because of the one on one attention and wealth of resources. There are a few common errors made by homeschool parents when it comes to reading; these are easily corrected in most cases. High expectations, or pushing for too much, too soon can make a child that is progressing beautifully feel like they are not “getting it” quickly enough, despite their promising progress.Trying to adhere to a strict school schedule can also cause your…

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According to the experts at Reading Rockets, it is estimated that about 10 million children worldwide experience some degree of difficulty when learning to read. However, roughly 90 percent of those kids eventually overcome their struggles altogether – provided they receive the appropriate type of training at an early age.This tells us a number of fascinating things. For starters, there is no "one size fits all" approach to reading. Different kids always learn in different ways. Beyond that, it also…

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Signs Of A Reading Problem

Posted on April 18, 2017

As a parent, you need to be very observant to realize if your child has a reading problem at an early age. If your child finds it difficult to join the sounds in words or struggles with word games or rhyming words; chances are that he has a reading problem. It is essential to monitor him at an early stage and improve his reading skills so that such difficulties don’t get stuck with him throughout his life.Some of the most…

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Kids struggle with reading for a variety of reasons, from difficulties with processing to attention issues like ADHD that prevent a child from truly focusing on the task at hand. Understanding which issue is triggering the difficulty can help you come up with strategies that help the struggling reader succeed and make the most of their abilities.If you suspect that a disability like dyslexia is involved, it is important to encourage the child’s family to seek out an evaluation by a professional.…

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There is much more involved in vision than just being able to see words or pictures. The brain must also coordinate eye movements so both eyes see the same thing at once, perform complex activities like interpreting forms and perceiving spatial relations, plus be able to identify different parts that make up a whole. These examples offer a clearer idea of how visual processing works. Each day, students are bombarded with complex visual data to sort out: images, numbers or…

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